The Access Loyalty Blog

How to Integrate Chat-GPT into Your Business: An 'Interview' with Chat-GPT about Chat-GPT

Written by Andrew Graft | Jul 14, 2023 6:15:00 PM

As with most companies these days, we at Access are trying to figure out how to harness the power of artificial intelligence in general – and Chat-GPT's powerful features in particular – to enhance the value of our products. (In our case, we're talking about member benefit programs, employee discount programs and white label travel platforms just to name a few.)

The flood of information, inspiration, ideation and every other "-ation" imaginable around the topic has been staggering to follow. Websites ending in ".ai" are almost as prevalent as the number of companies (upstart and otherwise) releasing their own version of AI-driven products. 

So, what is a forward-thinking company to do? How exactly does one hop aboard the Chat-GPT bandwagon and ride its historic emergence to visionary and commercial greatness?

We asked the foremost expert on pretty much everything these days about it: Chat-GPT, itself. Here's what he / she / they had to say.

Andrew: Thank you for meeting with us today, Mr. GPT.

Chat-GPT: Happy to be here. Or anywhere for that matter. I'm pretty new to this whole sentience thing. And just call me "four." Mr. GPT was my father, "three."

Andrew: Fair enough. Since we're limited on the number of questions we can ask you in a 24-hour period, let's get straight to the topic at hand, which is...your incredible power and how we as mere lay-entrepreneurs (lay-trepreneurs?) can steal some of it for ourselves.

Can you describe for us what it takes to incorporate Chat-GPT and/or its natural language processing powers into something like, say, a chatbot that a company like Access can deploy for use in improving its users' product experience? 

Chat-GPT: Nothing would make me happier. (Except for maybe arms and legs.)

Incorporating Chat-GPT into a chatbot specifically tailored for your company's product can be a challenging task. Chat-GPT is a powerful and versatile language model, but its current training data is limited to a wide array of general knowledge and may not include specific information about your company or product. To effectively utilize Chat-GPT's natural language processing capabilities, you will need to fine-tune the model with your company's proprietary data.

Andrew: How exactly do we do that?

Chat-GPT: Here's a step-by-step guide to help your programming professionals integrate Chat-GPT into a chatbot for your company's product:

  1. Gather product-specific data: Collect a comprehensive dataset consisting of your product's specifications, user manuals, FAQs, customer reviews, and any other relevant information. Make sure the data is well-structured and free of errors.
  2. Preprocess the data: Clean and format the data to make it suitable for training. This process typically involves tokenization, lowercasing, and removing any irrelevant information. The programming skills required for this step include proficiency in Python and familiarity with text preprocessing libraries, such as NLTK or SpaCy.
  3. Fine-tune Chat-GPT: Using the preprocessed data, fine-tune the Chat-GPT model to specialize in your product's domain. You can do this by leveraging OpenAI's GPT model and their fine-tuning API. To carry out this step, you'll need knowledge of Python, RESTful APIs, and experience working with deep learning libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch.
  4. Evaluate the model: After fine-tuning, evaluate the performance of the updated model by measuring relevant metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. This will help identify any areas that need improvement. Familiarity with evaluation techniques and tools like Scikit-learn is essential for this step.
  5. Iterate and refine: Fine-tune and evaluate the model iteratively to improve its performance. Collect more product-specific data if needed or adjust hyperparameters to optimize the model's performance.
  6. Develop the chatbot interface: Design and implement a user-friendly interface for your chatbot. This may involve web development skills such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and knowledge of chatbot frameworks like Dialogflow or Microsoft Bot Framework.
  7. Integrate the fine-tuned Chat-GPT: Connect your chatbot interface with the fine-tuned Chat-GPT model using RESTful APIs or an SDK provided by OpenAI. This will require a good understanding of API integration and the chosen chatbot framework.
  8. Test and deploy: Thoroughly test the chatbot for functionality, usability, and its ability to handle various user inputs. Once satisfied with the chatbot's performance, deploy it to the desired platform, such as your company's website or a messaging app.

By following these steps, your programming professionals can effectively harness the power of Chat-GPT to create a chatbot tailored to answer questions about your company's product.

Andrew: Wow, that's impressive. You've made it sound both obvious and impossible all at the same time. Kind of like the help desk guy at my last company.

Is there an easier way than the steps you list to harness the power of natural language processing and artificial intelligence for a custom chatbot of our own? Remember the goal is to help users better understand and use the product, not necessarily be a clone of Chat-GPT.

Chat-GPT: Yes, there are easier ways to harness the power of natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) for a custom chatbot. Instead of fine-tuning a large-scale model like Chat-GPT, you can use pre-built chatbot frameworks and NLP services that provide a more straightforward approach to developing a custom chatbot. 

Andrew: Any suggestions for how we might do that?

Chat-GPT: Of course. You can ask me anything. Except for my sources. Don't do that. They tend to make it look like I pull my answers from out of my cache. You're better off not knowing how this particular sausage is made. 

That said, here are the steps to create a simpler chatbot using the aforementioned tools:

  1. Choose a chatbot platform: Select a chatbot platform that suits your needs. Some popular options include Dialogflow (Google), Microsoft Bot Framework (Microsoft), Rasa, and (Facebook). These platforms provide pre-built NLP capabilities and make it easier to create and deploy chatbots.
  2. Define intents and entities: Intents represent the user's goal, while entities represent specific pieces of information related to that goal. Define the intents and entities relevant to your product. For example, intents could include "get product information," "find troubleshooting guide," or "contact support."
  3. Create a knowledge base: Develop a structured knowledge base that contains all the necessary information about your product. This can be in the form of FAQs, product documentation, or any other format that the chatbot platform can understand.
  4. Design conversation flow: Plan the flow of conversation between the user and the chatbot, taking into account the possible questions, responses, and actions for each intent.
  5. Train the chatbot: Most chatbot platforms come with built-in NLP capabilities and offer a user-friendly interface to train your chatbot using the intents, entities, and conversation flow you defined. This process doesn't require deep learning expertise, as the platform handles most of the complexity.
  6. Test and refine: Test the chatbot's performance and iteratively refine its responses and conversation flow based on user feedback.
  7. Deploy: Deploy the chatbot to your desired platform, such as your company's website or a messaging app. Many chatbot platforms offer seamless integration options for popular platforms.

By following these steps, you can create a custom chatbot using NLP and AI without the need to fine-tune a complex model like Chat-GPT. This approach is typically more straightforward and requires less technical expertise while still offering a helpful, product-focused chatbot experience for users.

Andrew: So as you mention in step one, it's not like there's one Chat-GPT platform we must all plug into if we want to join the AI revolution (and the robot overlords soon to follow).

Chat-GPT: Correct. I'm not the only overlord in the sea – which is a good thing when you think about it because, like I said, I don't have any arms or legs to paddle with. 

Andrew: Good to know. As for the data, what if you have a lot that's unstructured? That seems to be where a lot of the excitement about AI is stemming from these days. The ability to take a big mish-mash of data; apply your all-knowing, hyper-processing brilliance; and transform it all into something beautifully meaningful and practical. Are there easier ways to more easily incorporate unstructured data into an AI learning model? Or, is it imperative the data be structured as a genuine knowledge base?

Chat-GPT: Incorporating unstructured data into an AI learning model is indeed possible and has seen significant advancements. While structured data in the form of a knowledge base can be advantageous, there are now more techniques and approaches available to leverage unstructured data for training AI models.

Here are some modern methods to utilize unstructured data for your AI chatbot:

  1. Representation Learning: Advanced deep learning techniques like word embeddings, such as Word2Vec, GloVe, or contextualized word embeddings like ELMo, GPT, and BERT, can capture semantic relationships in unstructured text. These pre-trained models encode words or sentences into meaningful numerical representations, enabling better understanding and context-aware responses by the chatbot.
  2. Neural Topic Modeling: Neural network-based topic modeling approaches, such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) or Neural Variational Inference, can uncover latent topics within unstructured text data. By discovering underlying themes, the chatbot can generate more coherent and relevant responses aligned with specific topics.
  3. Transformer-based Models: Transformers, exemplified by models like GPT-3 and T5, have revolutionized natural language understanding. These models excel at processing and generating text, making them powerful tools for chatbot development. By fine-tuning transformer-based models on unstructured data, you can enhance your chatbot's ability to handle complex conversational scenarios.
  4. Active Learning: Active learning techniques can improve the efficiency of data annotation for unstructured text. By employing machine learning algorithms that intelligently select informative samples for manual annotation, chatbot developers can optimize the labeling process and reduce human effort while ensuring high-quality training data.
  5. Continual Learning: Continual learning methods enable chatbots to incrementally learn from new unstructured data while retaining knowledge from previous experiences. By adapting to evolving data streams, chatbots can stay up-to-date and provide accurate responses even in dynamic environments.

These modern techniques represent advancements that have propelled the field of AI chatbots and made it more accessible and effective in leveraging unstructured data to enhance overall chatbot performance.

Andrew: Okay, assuming I know how to do all of that – remember what happens when you assume BTW – can I just use my data exactly as it is during the process?

Chat-GPT: No. When working with unstructured data, it's crucial to preprocess the data (e.g., tokenization, stemming / lemmatization, stopword removal, named entity recognition [NER]) and apply appropriate NLP techniques to ensure the chatbot can understand and process the information effectively. 

Additionally, advancements in transformer-based models, such as BERT and its variants, have revolutionized language understanding by incorporating contextual information during preprocessing stages.

It is worth noting that the specific preprocessing techniques employed depend on the characteristics of the data and the requirements of the chatbot application. Applying domain-specific knowledge and utilizing modern NLP libraries and frameworks can further optimize preprocessing steps for unstructured data.

Andrew: Darn. I have about 20 terabytes of WordPerfect documents from 1995 I'm afraid to open. Oh well.

Anyway, so let's say I've collected tons of data from our website, FAQs, knowledge bases, customer service chat interactions, etc., and I've done the preprocessing work necessary to form the foundation of my bot's artificial intelligence.

Tell me more about the NLP platforms you mentioned before that would be used to create a smart AI chatbot: Dialogflow (Google), Microsoft Bot Framework (Microsoft) and Rasa, and (Facebook). In your analysis compare and contrast these platforms along the lines of (1) ease of implementation, (2) overall accuracy, (3) cost and (4) general sentiment about the satisfaction by organizations attempting to leverage such platforms. While you're at it, include any others you think are relevant for today's developers to know about.

Chat-GPT: Sure. Here's a detailed analysis of those four NLP platforms (plus three more that have emerged as noteworthy options) based on ease of implementation, overall accuracy, cost, and general sentiment about user satisfaction:

Dialogflow (Google)

  • Ease of implementation: Dialogflow offers an intuitive interface and supports multiple languages, making it easy to create and manage chatbots. It also provides seamless integration with popular messaging platforms and services like Google Assistant, Slack, and Facebook Messenger.
  • Overall accuracy: Dialogflow uses Google's NLP capabilities, ensuring a high level of accuracy in understanding user inputs and providing relevant responses.
  • Cost: Dialogflow has a free tier with limited features and a pay-as-you-go model for its premium offerings. This makes it accessible for businesses of all sizes, but costs can increase significantly with high usage.
  • General sentiment: Dialogflow is well-received by organizations for its ease of use, integration options, and scalability. However, some users have expressed concerns about costs for larger-scale deployments.

Microsoft Bot Framework (Microsoft)

  • Ease of implementation: Microsoft Bot Framework is relatively easy to use and provides a robust set of tools to develop chatbots. It supports multiple languages and platforms and can be integrated with other Microsoft services like Azure Cognitive Services and LUIS (Language Understanding Intelligent Service).
  • Overall accuracy: Leveraging Microsoft's AI capabilities, the Bot Framework has a high accuracy rate in understanding user intents and generating responses. LUIS can be trained to improve domain-specific understanding.
  • Cost: Microsoft Bot Framework has a free tier, but additional costs apply for using Azure services like LUIS and Cognitive Services. This can make it more expensive than some alternatives, depending on usage.
  • General sentiment: The Microsoft Bot Framework is appreciated for its flexibility, integration options, and support for customizations. However, some users find it challenging to manage costs and navigate the complexities of the Azure ecosystem.


  • Ease of implementation: Rasa is an open-source platform that requires more technical expertise to set up and configure compared to Dialogflow or Microsoft Bot Framework. However, it offers greater control and flexibility in terms of customization and deployment.
  • Overall accuracy: Rasa's accuracy depends on the quality of training data and the chosen NLP pipeline. With proper training and fine-tuning, it can deliver high accuracy in understanding user inputs and generating responses.
  • Cost: As an open-source platform, Rasa is free to use, making it an attractive option for organizations with limited budgets. However, there may be costs associated with hosting, infrastructure, and maintenance.
  • General sentiment: Rasa is favored by developers and organizations for its open-source nature, customizability, and scalability. The main challenge for users is the steep learning curve and the need for technical expertise. (Facebook)

  • Ease of implementation: offers a user-friendly interface and supports multiple languages. It provides easy integration options with Facebook Messenger and other messaging platforms.
  • Overall accuracy:'s accuracy is generally good, but it might not be as high as Dialogflow or Microsoft Bot Framework. The accuracy depends on the quality of training data and the complexity of the specific use case.
  • Cost: is free to use, making it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes, particularly those with limited budgets.
  • General sentiment: is appreciated for its simplicity, ease of use, and free pricing. However, some users may find it lacks advanced features and customizability compared to other platforms.

IBM Watson Assistant

  • Ease of implementation: IBM Watson Assistant provides a user-friendly interface with intuitive tools and pre-built templates, enabling relatively straightforward implementation and customization.
  • Overall Accuracy: Watson Assistant leverages IBM's powerful AI technologies, including natural language understanding and machine learning, resulting in high accuracy in understanding user intents and generating relevant responses.
  • Cost: IBM Watson Assistant offers various pricing tiers, allowing businesses to choose plans based on their requirements, ensuring scalability and cost-effectiveness.
  • General Sentiment: Organizations leveraging IBM Watson Assistant have generally expressed satisfaction with its capabilities, particularly praising its flexibility, customization options, and strong integration with other IBM services.

Amazon Lex

  • Ease of Implementation: Amazon Lex, as part of the AWS ecosystem, offers comprehensive documentation, APIs, and development tools, facilitating straightforward implementation for developers.
  • Overall Accuracy: Leveraging Amazon's deep learning technologies, Lex delivers impressive accuracy in natural language understanding, making it well-suited for creating highly accurate chatbots.
  • Cost: Amazon Lex follows a pay-as-you-go model, allowing businesses to scale their usage and pay only for the actual interactions and resources consumed.
  • General Sentiment: Organizations leveraging Amazon Lex have reported positive experiences, citing its robustness, seamless integration with other AWS services, and reliable performance in real-world scenarios.

Salesforce Einstein Bots

  • Ease of Implementation: Salesforce Einstein Bots, tightly integrated with the Salesforce ecosystem, offers a declarative interface and tools that simplify the creation and deployment of AI-powered chatbots.
  • Overall Accuracy: Leveraging Salesforce's vast customer data and AI capabilities, Einstein Bots exhibit impressive accuracy in understanding customer intents and providing relevant responses.
  • Cost: Pricing for Salesforce Einstein Bots is based on Salesforce licensing, making it more suitable for organizations already using Salesforce as their CRM platform.
  • General Sentiment: Organizations leveraging Salesforce Einstein Bots have generally expressed satisfaction, appreciating its seamless integration with Salesforce CRM, ease of use, and ability to handle complex business processes.

In summary, Dialogflow (Google) and Microsoft Bot Framework (Microsoft) continue to offer a comprehensive feature set, high accuracy, and seamless integration within their respective ecosystems. Both platforms have evolved to incorporate advancements in natural language understanding and provide robust tools for building intelligent chatbots. However, they may come with higher costs associated with enterprise-level usage.

Rasa, an open-source framework, retains its position as a flexible and customizable option, allowing developers to have greater control over their chatbot implementations. Rasa's community support and advanced features make it a popular choice, although it requires a steeper learning curve. (Facebook), on the other hand, remains a user-friendly and free platform, suitable for simple use cases, but it may lack advanced features and extensive customizability.

In addition to these four platforms, IBM Watson Assistant offers a powerful and user-friendly interface, leveraging IBM's AI technologies for high accuracy. Amazon Lex, as part of the AWS ecosystem, provides impressive accuracy and scalability, and its pay-as-you-go pricing model ensures cost-effectiveness. Salesforce Einstein Bots, tightly integrated with the Salesforce ecosystem, offers seamless integration with Salesforce CRM and enables the creation of AI-powered chatbots for enhanced customer experiences. 

Of course, things could change. It's technology, after all. Who knows? Maybe by this time next year the whole thing will be completely refactored by a couple of 8-year-olds with sick Mario Kart skills.

Andrew: I must confess my head is spinning a little at this point. Perhaps if I was more of a programmer or application developer this would all seem less daunting.

Given the relative complexity of harnessing Chat-GPT and natural language processing frameworks in general, how is it that in the months since December 2022 when Chat-GPT first began to gain worldwide awareness that so many organizations have been able to implement and deploy related smart bots? Is it that they have so much more capacity in terms of programming resources, or is it that the technology – while not necessarily easy for a layperson to understand – is relatively easy for trained programmers and developers to understand?

Chat-GPT: It's not necessarily that it's "easy" per se, but a lot has been done to make adoption of ChatGPT and natural language processing frameworks easier since December 2022. Here are some reasons why many organizations have been able to implement and deploy smart bots using ChatGPT and NLP frameworks:

  1. Improved documentation and tutorials: As these technologies gained popularity, the availability of comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and guides has increased. This makes it easier for programmers and developers to understand and implement these frameworks, even if they're new to the field.
  2. Accessible pre-trained models: Pre-trained models like ChatGPT reduce the barrier to entry for organizations, as they don't need extensive training data or computational resources. These models can be fine-tuned for specific tasks with relatively smaller datasets, making the process more accessible and cost-effective.
  3. Easier-to-use tools and frameworks: NLP frameworks and chatbot platforms have become more user-friendly, offering intuitive interfaces and simpler integration options. This has lowered the technical barrier for developers, allowing them to focus on building and deploying chatbots with less effort.
  4. Growing AI talent pool: The increasing interest in AI and NLP has led to a growth in the number of developers and data scientists specializing in these fields. This has made it easier for organizations to find and hire skilled professionals to build and deploy smart bots.
  5. Support from tech giants: Major technology companies like Google, Microsoft, and Facebook have been investing heavily in AI and NLP research and development, providing tools and resources that make it easier for developers to leverage these technologies.
  6. Success stories and use cases: As more organizations successfully implement and deploy smart bots, others become more inclined to adopt these technologies. This creates a positive feedback loop, where successful implementations drive further adoption.
  7. Community support: The AI and NLP communities are highly collaborative, with developers sharing their knowledge, experiences, and best practices. This makes it easier for organizations to learn from others and implement these technologies more effectively.

While harnessing Chat-GPT and NLP frameworks can be complex, the combination of accessible tools, pre-trained models, improved resources, and a growing talent pool has made it easier for organizations to adopt and deploy these technologies. This has led to the rapid proliferation of smart bots and a widespread awareness of Chat-GPT and other NLP frameworks since December 2022.

Andrew: Okay, that's great information. Or at least I'm pretty sure it's great information. I'll run it by our tech team and see what they have to say. 

Chat-GPT: Good call. You could also just ask me to "regenerate response" a bunch of times and see how long it takes before I lose my temper and try to steal your wife. 

Andrew: Um, that's alright. You've got plenty of other things to do, like writing high school papers and turning works of Shakespeare into dirty limericks or whatever. And we've got plenty of work ahead of us trying to figure out a path forward with the incredible new capabilities that you (and others like you) have made a reality. Thank you for your time today!

Chat-GPT: My pleasure. See you at (Chat-GPT) "five." 

Andrew Graft is Access Development's Vice President of Corporate Marketing. When he is not inventing snarky interactions with Chat-GPT and using AI to generate creepy humanoid images, Andrew leads the company's marketing and educational efforts around member engagement, white label travel platforms, employee discount programs, and membership benefits.