The Access Loyalty Blog

We just added serialization to our coupon network. Here’s why that’s important.

Written by Brandon Carter | May 17, 2016 4:00:00 PM

It shouldn’t surprise you that many of us here at Access are coupon junkies. Our primary product is discount programs, after all.

It’s not uncommon to see team members here scouring sites like SlickDeals and FatWallet. My particular favorite is WiredDeals, which is like a “trending topics” for deals.

What can we say? We're dealhounds, much like 96% of the US.

But we also help over 700,000 retail businesses of all sizes build coupon campaigns. We know as well as anyone that there’s a fine line between success and disaster when it comes to coupons.

The right deal targeted at the right crowd can change the fortunes for a business.

The wrong deal, or even the right deal that gets into the hands of the wrong crowd, can do serious damage.

Most of the deals on our network and created solely for our members only. If any of those deals pops up on any of those popular deal sharing sites, it can do serious harm to the merchant's marketing budget. 

That’s just one of several reasons we’ve introduced serialization into our discount network.

Serialization means we’re able to generate a specific barcode or promo code to be used only by the intended recipient.

It means our merchants can track redemptions within their own systems. Plus, they don’t have to worry about their discount showing up on one of those deal sites.


One, serialization is a must for a lot of big brands. They’re just not going to create special offers for third parties without some level of protection and specificity. Privacy is important.

Guaranteeing that offers (or a screenshot of a mobile coupon) won’t be splashed all over deal sites means businesses are more willing to give us high quality offers.

Redbox, Gymboree, Men’s Wearhouse are among some of the newest additions to our network thanks to serialization.

Two, it’ll pay off for our clients and members. Better merchants with bigger offers means more savings. The more members save, the more engaged they become with the group that gives them access to the network.

Another big benefit to members is this will simplify the redemption process, as we build codes that work within each merchant's POS system.

Three, no other private discount network is able to offer this service. Our job is to create engagement between a company and its target audience.

We can’t do that with ordinary deals, or a bunch of affiliate links. Our clients didn’t come to Access because they want to give their target audience “ordinary.”

Our clients are looking for ways to save their customers and members a lot of dough. Whether they're doing it through member benefitscorporate perks, incentives, appreciation gifts, or any other channel, serialization will help.


If you’re a retail business and interested in connecting with millions of consumers through our network, click here. There’s no charge, and we can help you set up your personalized codes.

If you’re curious about our network, reach out and request a personal demo account. Chances are you’ll see how your organization can benefit by providing it to your members or employees. If nothing else, you’ll save a few bucks on that daily cup of coffee, or that hotel you need to book for the summer vacay. Click the banner below to reach out.