The 2020 US election is complete. We hope everyone was able to vote safely and to make your voices heard. No matter how you feel about the results of any particular election, I think we can all agree that it’s wonderful to have a say in our future.
As we anxiously wait for the final votes to be tallied, here’s a question to keep your mind busy. Do your members have a say in what benefits they receive? Even with many value-added benefits to select from – like discount programs, birthday rewards, points earning, surprise and delight campaigns, etc. – you don’t have to blindly guess what members want. We’ve got some tips to help you figure out exactly what will keep them coming back year after year.
After all, you want your members to use and enjoy their membership perks, right? Otherwise what’s the point of offering them in the first place?
If it all sounds too complicated, consider this: when members feel heard and appreciated, they form deeper connections with the businesses they frequent. Those feelings of loyalty often translate into repeat business, referrals and more.
On the other hand, when members think you’re not listening, they’ll make their voice heard in the only way they can, by leaving you for another organization.
So... are you ready to incorporate member input into your benefits design?
Just like with the US’s founding fathers, it will probably take a little trial and error to home in on the exact amount of say your members should have in organizational decisions. Do you let members vote on the association member benefits they want? Do you elect a representative to speak on their behalf? Can they really be trusted to design appropriate benefits, like the best discount program, without blowing your budget?
The masses don’t always know what they want, or what’s best for them. So giving them too much say on too many decision will most likely yield chaotic benefits, irritated members, or both.
But if you can find that balance, where members feel heard and valued, then you’ve taken a huge step toward cementing a strong emotional connection with them. And emotional engagement is the very definition of member loyalty.
Here are four levels of member involvement organizations can work through to discover which fits with your unique membership.
Even if you have efforts in place, you probably have some room for improvement. There’s a big difference between a customer service team delivering bare minimum efforts and one that is laser focused on creating an excellent customer experience.
As members turn to social media more and more to interact with their favorite organizations or air grievances, businesses in turn need to place extra focus on responding where appropriate. This is especially important when you consider that other members and potential members will see your responses (or lack thereof). Nearly half of consumers say their purchasing decisions are influenced by friends' social media posts about the businesses they interact with. And unaddressed grievances are huge red flags, signaling a company's lack of dedication to customer service. Luckily, 33% of negative reviews on Yelp turn positive when organizations take the time to respond.
While responding to feedback is important, members usually only reach out when they are extra satisfied or very dissatisfied, so you’ll ignore an entire group of valuable members if this is your only effort.
You can solve even more problems by preventing them from happening in the first place. The easiest way to do this is by assigning a member advocate. This is one or more people on your team whose job it is to know your current members and/or map out the kind of people you want to attract to your organization in the future. It’s a little like electing a representative to speak on behalf of their needs.
Ideally, organizations should be collecting member data and recording things like renewal rates, participation in value-added benefits like exclusive discount programs, ad engagement, etc.
Armed with this information, member advocates can design a path for member integration, smoothing out any pain points before they become a problem, and ensuring that the rewards are well worth the journey.
If you really want to know what makes your members happy, your best source of information is the members themselves. Watching the data gets you part way there, showing you how members are interacting with their member benefits. But if you want to know how they feel about those benefits, you’ll have to ask.
At Access, we love surveying members on behalf of our clients. In doing so, we’ve been able to help clients figure out which benefits could be trimmed, leaving more room in the budget for the popular options. We’ve successfully pinpointed barriers that were keeping members from fully engaging, and asked together created solutions.
Members are a wealth of information. Here are a few tips for effectively extracting that valuable feedback in a positive way. Doing so will get you the answers you need AND leave your members feeling that you value what they say.
If you want to take it a step further, consider asking members to vote on specific benefits, effectively letting them design their own loyalty program. This is closer to true democracy, and in small amounts, it can greatly enhance your relationship with current members and give new member a fresh reason to join.
Recently, The Shoe Company unveiled their new loyalty program as having been designed for and by its members. The company surveyed 13,000+ members and potential members in order to pinpoint exactly what benefits appealed to them the most. The Shoe Company’s president Mary Turner reported she’s proud of their customized approach to rewards management which lets them “get personal’ and connect with our customers at a deeper level.”
Whatever level you choose, just make sure that your members know you care about their concerns and needs. When you listen and respond, ask for feedback, and/or involve members in the decision making process, you strengthen your emotional connection with them.
If you need even more distraction from your election results jitters, here are a few more fantastic articles to help you along your path to democratizing your member benefits.