
What Would Educators Do With a Leap Year Free Day?

Today is February 29, and in case you've been hiding under a rock or are the Jodie Foster character "Nell," you're probably aware that today is a Leap Year day. In a perfect world, you'd be able to choose what you did with this day and it'd be a true free day. We asked marketing assistant Ashley Autry to help us poll some of our hardest working members, educators, to find out what they would do with a free, no-strings-attached 24 hours.

Also, happy birthday to Ja Rule, who turns nine or so today, and Tony Robbins, who turns 13 (in leap years). For more fun Leap Year Facts, check this out.

There’s something a little different and a little longer about 2012. It’s a leap year! Today, February 29 is an extra day we experience only once every four years. The purpose of this one special day is to keep the calendar year synchronized with the seasonal year.

In honor of the leap year, we went online and asked fellow savers what they would do with an extra day. Here’s what some of them said:

Pamela G. said she “…would like to have a pupil-free day where I would be allowed a whole day to work in my room on any task I feel is necessary...”

Julie S. excitedly responded that “A day at the spa would be awesome!”

Another one of our savers, Dayna S., says “I would spend it relaxing and catching up on life with my own children.”

The free day isn't going to happen, but on the bright side, Access can help our members save money on just about anything they want to do. Turn your leap day fantasy into a reality with our member savings. Access has the discount program you need to shop, have a spa day, plan some fun activities with your family, and more. We’ll help you enjoy whatever you choose to do on your extra day.

Happy Leap Day and Happy Saving!

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Topics: Educator Access, Ongoing Incentive Programs, Discount Programs, Access Development, leap year, holidays, customer loyalty

Written by: Ashley Autry

Ashley Autry is a Marketing Professional at Access Development. She's an expert proofer, gatherer of loyalty stats, research ace, writing queen, and overseer of various marketing projects.

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